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Publicado Por : Thiago Henrique sexta-feira, janeiro 11, 2019

Paint Tool Sai 2.0 (Beta)  ATUALIZAÇÃO DE 26-12-2018 - Versão em Inglês

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Esta atualização corrige (EM INGLÊS): 

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Scattering] Some parameters do not work.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Brush Tools] In almost cases, bristles are painted as transparent color.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [File Viewer] The extension is added needlessly in renaming if registered extensions are hidden on the Windows setting.

- [SAI2/PSD File] The maximum layer number is 8189, not 8190.

- [Canvas] Access violations occur when closed canvas if many layers existed and floaters or layer masks existed.

- [Recover Work] Access violations occur if opened a SAI2 file that included a floater of layer mask.

- [Recover Work] Access violations occur if recovered a work that included a floater of layer mask.

- [Layer List] Changes of moving group are not applied immediately.

- [Change Canvas Resolution] Garbage appears on just outside canvas if [Resampling Method] is [Nearest Neighbor].

- [Selection] If selection exists, An access violation occurs when received a mouse coordinate that pointed outside screen.

- [Brush Preview] The preview is not updated through the change of brush size with Ctrl + Alt + drag.

- [Brush Tools] The blending of the current color is wrong when the pen pressure is weakened.

- [Brush Tools] The usage of the pen pressure is wrong when the current color is transparent.

- [Gaussian Blur] faint ghosts appear when blurred widely.


- [Brush Tools] Tuned the strength of blending.

- [File Viewer] Changed the rule for the initial path when opened File Viewer.

   Old rules:
   + Shared a path between [Open], [Save] and [Export].

   + For [Open] and [Save], If the current canvas has a saving path, open the saving path.
     For [Open] and [Save], If the current canvas has not a saving path, open the last path.
     For [Export], always open the last path.

   New rules:
   + Shared a path between [Open][Save], but [Export] has a path independently.

   + For [Open], [Save] and [Export], If the current canvas has a saving path, open the saving path.
     For [Open], [Save] and [Export], If the current canvas has not a saving path, open the last path.

   + Added settings about the initial path. ([Help] -> [Options] -> [Preference])

And some other small changes and some small bug fixes...


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Change Canvas Resolution] Always access violations occur.

- [Brush Preview] The visibility setting is not preserved correctly.


[Fixed Bugs]

- [Transform] Access violations occur when [Resample Settings] is 'Bilinear' and the canvas width or height is 2^n-1.

- [Linework Layer] Stroke parameters are corrupted when transformed strokes or deleted control points.

- [Water Color] Strange color appears when [Dilution] is 0 and painted with lower pressure.

- [Scattering] Cannot paint with correct density by Marker tool.

- [Pressure Tool] Cannot change the pressure correctly when added a pressure control point and drag it immediately.

- [Brush Tool Panel] The layout in separated tool panel is not changed immediately when changed the brush form.

- [Window Control] The vertical size of a window is not maximized when double-clicked the top or bottom edge of the window.

- [Syringe] The picked color is not applied to gradation or text layer.


- [Brush Tool Panel] Added a setting into [Window] Menu to display size list items in only numerals.

- [Brush Tool Panel] Added a setting into [Window] Menu to display size list on upper side.

- [Layer List etc.] Expanded the drag detection distance to 150%.

- [Scratch Pad] Changed to be able to pick a color when selected a tool other than brush tools.

- [Gradation Tool] Improved the dithering.

- [Straight Ruler] Changed to be able to rotate the ruler with 'Ctrl + Drag' outside ruler body.

- [Perspective Ruler] Changed the initial position.

And some other small changes and some small bug fixes...


[Fixed Bugs]

- [System File Dialog] An access violation occurs when open System File Dialog.

- [Layer List] Program freezes when dragged layer items to outside of the layer list.

- [Scattering] Access violations occur when changed [Size Jitter].

- [Scattering] [Size Jitter] is applied to the upscaling side too. (It should be applied to only the downscaling side)

- [Scattering] The minimum value of [Scattering] is 1%. (It should be 0%)

- [Brush UI Panel] The layout of the tool panel is not changed immediately when opened or closed a pane.

- [Brush Tools ] The center of size circle slipped out when resizing brush size relatively by Ctrl+Alt+drag.


- [Brush Preview] A new background color added. (The background color is changed with a click)

- [Scattering] Added some parameters for the scattering in the brush forms.


[New Features]

- Per-Monitor DPI support (Windows 8.1 or later)

- Scattering as brush forms (Provisional implement)

- Brush preview
  (The preview is able to show/hide with [Show User Interface Panel] in [Window] menu)

[Fixed Bugs]

- [Transform] Access violations occur if showed or hid selection while transformation.

- [Gradation Tool] An access violation occurs when some rulers are enabled.

- [Brush Tools] Density 

- [Linework Layer] Bezier handles are selected by [Select Strokes with Selection].

- [View] The brush size circle disappears when changed a view by shortcut key.


- [Brush Tools] Adjusted the feeling of brush density when [Ver1 Prs Spec] is enabled.

And some other small changes and some small bug fixes...

Nota da
 Paint Tool Sai BRASIL (SAI)Excelente (9,8)

Confira a versão atualizada de Paint Tool SAI, 2.0 , disponibilizado pela Paint Social BR -  Lembre-se que esta é apenas uma versão beta, ou seja, uma versão final será lançada que provavelmente será paga como era feita nas versões anteriores mas isso não te dá o motivo para deixar de conferir o que a equipe da SYSTEMAX pode lhe oferecer! Agradecemos ao cracker Draivin pela contribuicao, se nao fosse por ele nao teriamos esse belo programa, na sua mais bela versao, totalmente crackeado. Vamos la!...Baixe e confira!



  • Ultima versão do Paint Tool SAI
  • Exportação para o formato ".PSD" (Photoshop)
  • Interface limpa, 
  • Rotação do Canvas (papel) , 
  • Sensibilidade precisa
  • Vetor próprio
  • Melhorias no desempenho e consumo de memória
  • Foram corrigidas varias funções desde a atualização lancada em Junho de 2018.

  • Se mantém simples em relação a outros softwares relacionados.
  • Versão Beta, poderá ocorres crashes e avarias, tanto quanto a ausência de algumas funções.

Requisitos: Windows/Mac OS

1 -  Faça o download e instale o executável.
Pronto seu Paint Tool Sai já esta pronto para uso! Bons desenhos!


Thiago Henriuqe (Texto)

Paint Tool Sai BRASIL (SAI) 2014-2019

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